Thank you for your interest in enrolling your child at St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School, North Mackay. We are a family oriented school with a welcoming and friendly atmosphere. We offer our students a high quality, holistic education that supports personal growth based on Catholic values.
By submitting an enrolment application, parents agree to fully support the Catholic ethos, policies and programs of our school.
The submission of an online application form is the first step of our enrolment process. Our friendly office staff are available to assist with your application.
To ensure the Enrolment Application is complete, please ensure you fill in all sections of the online enrolment process and attach all necessary documentation.
Documentation you will need to submit with your Enrolment Application includes:
Birth Certificate
Sacramental Certificates (eg. Baptismal Certificate)
Latest school report card
Documentation relating to medical issues or special needs (any reports, action plans or assessments)
Parenting Documentation (Court orders, parenting plans or access restrictions)
You will receive an email notification to confirm St Joseph’s have received your students application. Please advise office if you have not received this by emailing sjnm@rok.catholic.edu.au
Please note an enrolment application fee of $30 (non-refundable) is payable at time of finalising your Online Enrolment Application.