St. Joseph’s Catholic Primary School offers Before and After School Hours Care, Vacation Care and Pupil Free Day Care, all of which are fully registered for the Child Care Rebate. These Programs are managed and supervised by qualified and experienced Educators who are passionate about providing fun and engaging activities for all children who attend our service.
Safety is our utmost priority and all of our activities are programmed with this in mind.
We offer a wide variety of experiences which include art, craft, sports, music and dance, reading, games and much more. We provide a wide range of resources which accommodate the interests of children from prep to year 6. Children are encouraged to contribute to the program and make suggestions to further enhance their experiences.
Care is provided throughout the school holidays with a theme for each day. We have done science, cooking, sports, challenges (both physical and mental), dance and many other activities inspired by children’s interests and suggestions.
Breakfast is provided during Before School Care and Vacation Care and Afternoon tea is provided during After School Care and Vacation Care as well as on Pupil Free Days. Children are required to provide their own morning tea and Lunch.
Children are required to wear sun safe clothing and hats whilst attending our service as well as comfortable closed in shoes.
To enrol your child/ren at St Joseph's OSHC, click the link below.