8:35 AM
School Commences (Morning Bell)

10:40 - 11:20 AM

1:20 - 1:40 PM
Afternoon Tea

3:00 PM
School Finishes
Arrival & Departure
Children are expected to be at school before 8.35am, when the first bell is rung. No child should be at school before 8.00am unless they have been booked into our OSHC. Students are supervised from 8.15am to 8.35am in classrooms for before school reading. Children arriving before 8.15 am will remain seated under G Block until that time.
Children who arrive after 8.40am or leave school during the day are to be signed in or out through the Office. If you wish to drop items off to your child this is also to be done through the administration.
After school, children are supervised at two points, Grendon Street and Ungerer Street. Supervision is provided for children in these areas until 3.20pm. After this time children will wait at the school office for collection by parents.