The values that underpin our social justice efforts at St Joseph’s are taken from the values of the Sisters of Mercy – values that are inherent in our vision statement.

The Mercy value of respect is about recognising the gifts and talents of the people around you. It's about being responsible for your own actions and our own choices. We are all made in the image of God.
As love begets love, politeness begets politeness ~ Catherine McAuley
So in everything, do unto others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets ~ Matt 7:12
The Mercy value of justice is all about being responsible for one another and trying our best to be fair by taking our turn and sharing. It is about trying to make sure that everyone is treated fairly and justly.
Never speak with contempt of any nation, profession or class of people ~ Catherine McAuley
Walk in the way of righteousness along the path of justice ~ Proverbs 8:20

The Mercy value of compassion is about love and caring for your family and friends, and showing kindness to people who are feeling sad, upset or lonely to help them feel better. It's about feeling that you can make a difference.
Let charity be our badge of honour so that it may be truly said, that there is in us but one heart and one soul in God ~ Catherine McAuley
As God's chosen ones, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience ~ Colossians 3:12
The Mercy value of service is all about helping others. You can help others because it is what God wants you to do and you do not ask for anything in return.
You should be like a shining lamp giving light to all around you ~ Catherine McAuley
Serve one another with whatever gift each of you has received ~ Peter 4:10

The Mercy value of excellence is about trying to do and be your best in all that you do. It is about giving 100% effort every time, even when something is new or hard, or something that you do everyday.
We can never be enough ~ Catherine McAuley
In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in Heaven ~ Matthew 5:16
Social Justice
At St Joseph’s it is recognised that first and foremost the individual can contribute to a just society through their personal interactions with others. Through the curriculum at St Joseph’s it is intended that students are provided with the chance to Increase their awareness of social justice issues and reflect on social justice issues in light of Gospel values, Catholic Social Justice teaching and the Mercy Charism.
As a Catholic School in the Mercy tradition, fundraising and the collection of goods to help achieve social justice is seen as a practical and positive response. Fundraising initiatives, based on justice issues, offer material support for those who are in need and provide the opportunity to raise awareness of issues in our society.
At Saint Joseph’s opportunities are provided for the students to support social justice initiatives. Each year the whole school participates in various activities in this area, including:
Pancake Day and Project Compassion Appeal
Mercy Works
Red Nose Day
Jeans for Jeans Day
Mission Partners
St Vincent De Paul Christmas Appeal
George St Neighbourhood Hub Appeal
Wishing Tree Appeal
Day for Daniel
Disaster Appeals
Socktober (Catholic Mission Australia)